book a call

let's make magic happen!

I fell in love with New York when I moved here for six months in February 1994. It is a city with an energy all of its own. 

Would you like to spend a weekend in New York with me and to bring your business vision to life?

Make sure to bring an Empire-planning State of Mind with you!

to plan your launch

join me in New York City


It's a city where dreams come true.  Where anything seems possible.

There is an energy that is palpable.  I felt it when I first walked into Central Park on a snowy day in February 1994.  I still feel that energy today, thirty years later.

I find myself inspired and elevated by New York City on a daily basis.

Everything seems heightened here.  From the intensity of the blue skies, to the majesty of the skyline, to the creativity coursing through the streets around Broadway and Times Square where most of the theaters are located.

New York City ...

when I think about

“This city will always be the port of entry for risers and idealists, a place where potential dances in the streets and wafts through the air. A place where the seemingly impossible feels worth attempting.”

- alicia keys
More Myself: a journey

book a call

Bringing a business idea to life is one of the most creative things you can do.

It still blows my mind that I had a crazy idea for a business in 2005 which became a thriving business that has generated over a million dollars in income. 

When I work with my launch clients, I encourage them to look at their business as a creative act.  Too often, we think of business as a very left-brain, logistical act but my experience has been that it can be a very creative practice.

I can't think of a better city to bring your vision to life.

Starting a business is one of the most creative acts I can imagine

I include a 3 month membership in The Launch Lab with your Launch Weekend.

This will give you ongoing support, accountability and community as you launch your business.

3 months in
The Launch Lab

We will create a one-page website for you so that you can start sharing your business immediately.

The website will explain who you are, what you do and it will give prospective clients a way to connect with you.

New York City has THE most amazing restaurants and vibrant night life - Broadway shows, concerts, comedy and more.

We will have dinner and go to see a show together during the Launch Retreat.

A one-page website

Dinner and a show

The Launch Weekend includes 8 hours of coaching and business planning with me during the two days in New York.  Plus 3 additional hours of coaching to be scheduled within 90 days after our weekend together.

We will figure out your "why" for starting your business, the "who" you want to serve and the "how" you will do it.

Life + Business Coaching


what a launch weekend

This includes ALL the technical and marketing things that you need in place to run your business:

We will create a full website for you, set up all your marketing and business tools (email, scheduling and getting paid), create your social media graphics, help you to create your marketing plan, plus give you 9 extra months of support, accountability and community in the Launch Lab!

Your Launch Pad

As an optional extra, you can book a Photo Shoot while you are here.

New York is one of the most photographic cities in the world! It is a great backdrop for photos for your website and marketing.

A Photo Shoot

Launch Retreat?

what can you add to a

are you ready to do this?

You've had an idea for a business for months or years, maybe even decades.  But, somehow, life keeps getting in the way and you never take action on it.

You are now beyond ready to bring your business vision to life.  You have realized that it would be much easier to escape for a weekend and focus 100% on launching your business instead of trying to find an hour here and there during your already busy life.

I want the Launch Retreat to give you a deadline to bring your business to life.  Not in a high-pressure or stressful way but in a "this is important and should not be left on hold for any longer" way.

I also want our time together to give you an experience of what your everyday life could look and feel like as you launch and grow your business.  I want our weekend together to feel luxurious, expansive, creative, energizing and inspiring.

great fit IF

the launch retreat might be a

You receive a 3 month membership in The Lab for ongoing support.

the lab


Let the Empire planning begin! Coaching, NYC energy, entertainment, inspiration!

the retreat


Once you have booked your weekend, I will send a questionnaire to you.



Book a call with me if you have questions about the NYC Launch Retreats.

let’s chat 



- frances, graphic designer

“Sal's astute and thoughtful gaze cuts through the clutter ...”

- candice, graphic designer, New York

“Working with Sal was a truly transformative and empowering experience for me.”


book a call with me

I would be thrilled to spend a weekend with you in one of my favorite cities!

New York has an energy unlike any other city I know.  It makes anything seem possible!  

If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere!  It's up to you, New York, NEW YORK!!!!


are you ready
to join me in 

coming soon

Coming soon.  The philosophy, mission and values that guide me as I navigate my own midlife launch.

The Midlife Launch MANIFESTO

send me the guide

Do you have an idea for a business but you're unsure as to whether it would work? The 3 Steps Guide will help you to get clarity on your vision for your business..

3 Steps to GET CLEAR on your BUSINESS IDEA

coming soon

If you've had your business idea for a while, what has been stopping you from starting your business?  Lack of clarity about your idea?  Unsure where to begin? Overwhelmed by all the logistics?

What is STOPPING you from STARTING? 

New around here? Start with these FREE resources. Made with you in mind. Designed to give you clarity + momentum. 

